Letters to Hailey

Hailey Lynn,                                                             Sept 8th 2007                                   
My Baby Girl, as you get older I see you explore new things..
And I see you go from a baby to a little girl seeing you learn something new everyday and seeing your expressions when you have figured something out on your own or if you are still trying something.
  I wonder how will you be as you get older ,
Will you look or act like me , or will you be more like your daddy, either way is good.
 I can't believe your almost 2 now it seems like yesterday we were trying to get you to smile, crawl, then Walk..
And Now were Lucky if you sit still for 5 minutes . You are entering a new phase in life TODDLERHOOD which we are already seeing you try and do new things that we might not like, but we also see that you are learning that you have your own personality and we see you USING your personality.
This New Year will bring a lot of new things for you and us and we can't wait to take on that task.
Mommy and Daddy will always be here for you no matter what even if you don't want us too at times …
We Love you,
                   Mommy and Daddy

Hailey                                                                        Aug 25th 2010
My Beautiful girl, you are growing up way to fast, slow down please. I can't believe your almost 4 years old WOW ! Mommy misses being able to hold you whenever I want to , now you don't want to be held , unless you are in trouble .
     Hailey you are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I wouldn't change anything. I can't believe I am so lucky to have you, you just don't know.Before you I was a selfish brat who didn't care about responsibilities , Sleeping the day away. Now I am  responsible for a beautiful girl, and sleeping in means, being able to sleep till 8 if i'm lucky, but I don't mind because you are worth it , i'd do anything for you no matter what that is . I love you more than anything .