Letters to Ryan

Ryan                                                                                    June 4th 2010
My baby boy , When mommy and daddy found out we were having you , we were so happy, the pregnancy flew by . 
  Then the day came for you to come into my arms, I was so happy to have my baby boy, and you were so small , which changed within weeks of course, you loved eating just like your daddy does, and now your almost 7 months old, and learning to crawl around and you are into even more things, Mr. Independent , but there are still times you just loved to be held and cuddle with mommy which I love , this year has gone by way to fast and soon you will be walking around beating up on your sister.
  But for right now I love just to watch you crawl around and babble at everything , and lets just say you aren't afraid to use your voice at all. I can't believe how different you are from Hailey, some for the good some not so much , and I cant' wait to see how much more you will do and learn , will you be as easy going as your sister , or completely opposite , right now I can see you going completely opposite .
   You are so eager to just do everything your big sister can do , you always follow her and try to do everything she does , it won't be long before you can , and you will be right there with her , playing and laughing , and of course fighting with each other ..
    Until then stay small and be my little boy forever ..

I Love you , Ryan Michael 

Ryan                                                                                                                 November 15th 2010

My little Man is 1 yrs old, I can't believe it , you are growing up way to fast, you are my little daredevil , whatever you can do that you know your not suppose to do , you do it ! I really hope that changes SOON , but I know with your attitude that won't happen. Your very strong willed , and your not afraid to let people know about it.
        I know you will be my little trouble maker testing me all the time , even when you know you will get in trouble .
       I love to listen to you try and copy what we say and you try and speak your own little language , you think you can get away with anything just with your smile , and its been working since I know your my last baby .Your my little Man and my last I want to keep you small forever, but I know that can't happen ..

Love you Ryan ..