Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Thoughts and Worries !!!

So we are 6.5 months into this tour . When most people would be getting ready for their loved ones to come home for midtour , I am watching it pass by due to tons of things. But things have gotten MUCH easier now , not that I like that but also not that i dislike it :/. But At least August seems to be going by fast , only a few more days and we have our 6 year Anniversary , wish we could spend it together , but yeah whatever .. Now I just sit and hope that the rest of the months go fast .
I am hoping it does since Hailey starts school, theres another thing he will miss but I guess it could be worse .. He will be there for her Kindergarden year HOPEFULLY !!.
I just can't wait till we are ALL back together again , start fresh , new state, new house .. but that also worries me , how are ALL of us going to adjust to him being home especially the kids. They are so use to ME and my ways lol , Daddy is a lot more strict and just not me lol.. And when he left Ryan was just this 15 month old cute baby , Now hes 21months and lord sometimes the devil HAHA, and just imagine him when he comes home he will be 2 . He won't know what to do . Chris has seen some of his lovely tantrums over the computer , but its TOTALLY not the same , and his response is " WOW you should spank him " Me What do you think I do ALL day ( not really lol ) but really he can say whatever but because he's not here he REALLY doesn't know. And with Hailey the talking back WOW let's just say she will NOT like daddy when he comes back if she keeps that up haha.
Anyways I know I shouldn't worry about him dealing with coming home yet , but it helps me look ahead and it will make it seem sooner for the homecoming .. Let's hope we get our Orders SOON so we know the exact date ..
Well I guess that is All for now . Until Next time ..

MISS YOU BABY , Can't wait !!! 6 months Down 6 to go

Thursday, July 14, 2011


Well , Here's a little update , we are now 5.5 months into this remote tour!
It's Slowing coming along . We have been trying to keep busy during summer ,
the kids and I took a little Vacation we went to Tulsa OK, to visit the In laws , the On to Texas to Visit friends and more family , and Finally Ending in Shreveport La, for more family.
It was nice to get away for a bit . I know the Kids Loved it . But back now and I just celebrated the BIG 25th Birthday, nothing Special .
Now to just chill for the rest of Summer and get ready for school to start .
Hoping the Time passes faster then it is now .

Friday, May 20, 2011


Well I can't believe it but my baby girl , had her last day of Preschool on Thursday. I know its only preschool but it makes me SOO sad .
She is Growing Up so fast . She will start Pre-k in the fall which I know she will love , since she loved going this year . I love my Princess Hailey and I can't believe how fast time flies :(
Here are her 1st Day of school Photo , and then her Last Day .

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Hailey, Is almost out of her 1st year of school , Preschool she loved it ! I can't believe my baby girl is growing up before my eyes.
She will start Pre-k this fall, and I hope she continues to love it the whole time. But FIRST we have to get through the summer , which will be so hard trying to keep her mind off daddy .I plan on trying to keep them VERY busy , Going to Playdates, Going out of town to visit Grandma B. and Just tons more .Lately she has been soo moody and testing me , and I'm honestly not sure if its me thats short tempered and its getting to her , or if it is her. All I know is it will do us good to go on Vacation , We will Plan on going to Texas , and then to Oklahoma .
Hoping we will both be able to chill out and just RELAX during the summer time . I guess thats all for Hailey's Update now too ..


Well Ryan had his tubes put in on May 2nd . He did pretty good with it . He will soon need his Adenoids out , and that should help him breathe better in the long run ..
How is he doing while Chris is gone , well he is sorta now starting to talk to him on the computer but not long , I really hope he continues so that when the time comes for daddy to come home he will be use to him .. During the Summer we hope to take a vacation and the biggest fear is RYAN IN A CAR for 12 HOURS , He's not as good with it as Hailey was . So I really hoping he does better than I think he will..

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Well , We had our 1st Easter without Daddy/Husband it was hard because this was Ryan's 1st real easter where he somewhat got the idea .
And He couldn't be here to see it . We Skyped and took a Video but its not the same .. I know there will be more holidays to come , its just hard to get use to , and I know its hard on the kids .
We are almost at the 3 month mark only a week to go . This is starting to get easier . I am starting to get things down , and I don't like that it getting easy its not suppose to . But that's the life of a Military Wife ..

Friday, April 15, 2011

2.5 months

korea 2.5 months

It's been 2.5 months now and things have really changed , even though it doesn't seem like a long time it is . Hailey now says " when daddy comes back from his long long trip " Instead of "When's daddy coming home "?. And Ryan it breaks my heart , he doesn't even want to talk to Chris on the computer anymore , and that kills me because he was so close to him before he left , and my thought is what if he doesn't remember him when he gets back ? I know he's little and won't remember this , but thats not what you think at the time .

It hurt so much the other day , we were out somewhere and Ryan saw a man in a uniform he jumped up and screamed DADA and pointed to him. I had to tell him No .
He hasn't done that since Chris left , and he just looked at me with such a confused look on his face , i wanted to cry because He doesn't understand why daddy is gone , Not like Hailey does. And Hailey is having some hard times too , she asked the other day will daddy ever come home and i told her of course he will .
And then she asked then why is he gone so long , so i had to try my best to explain to her .
For me it gets easier by the day ,which is sad you shouldn't be use to it but you are .

I mean you are never use to them gone but like people say , you get into your own routine and just have your bad days . I think everyone does . Especially when you don't talk for days or even if its 5 mins a day , it gets to me . You take for granted the people you love , and don't realize it till they are gone.
And then you start thinking " Well I could have done this differently " or " I should have not done that " .
I have thought about that and it doesn't help lol ..
And I hear people say oh it will go by fast and i look at them and say I hope so , and i am still hoping so , trying to keep myself and the kids busy so it does. But those days that drag are the worse and you look at the day and it seems like that date for ever and you don't see the end . Right now thats us , I sure hope it changes .
And those people who say " oh yeah I know what you mean " "My husband is gone the weekend " I'm Sorry but NO 2 days compared to 365 where is that the same ? Other than hes gone . UGHH well I guess thats all I have to say right now . This is my 1st time trying this out lets see how it works lol ...